Thursday, May 14, 2009

A River Runs Through It

Little Varde is a nice place to go for a stroll. I finally got out today and did some walking about. A small river winds through town not far from our apartment -- maybe a 5 minute walk. The river is lined with boats bigger than I expected -- probably for both the lake that is further inland and the North Sea that I would guess is a lazy and crooked cruise ten miles to the west.

I've been surprised by the late sunset. According to my wrist watch that thinks it knows when the sun will set, sundown is currently at 9:08. By my estimates, the sun sets oddly slowly here and the last light doesn't leave the sky until well after ten. The wife said that her co-workers said its not long before it doesn't really get dark at night. I find it already screws up my internal clock -- like a subtle jet lag...

All in all, there is a marked difference between the weather here and England. The temperature is about the same but the sky here is mostly clear. In England, it was mostly grey with clouds either coming or going. It hasn't rained yet but I think they get their fair share here.

Just one quick picture from the riverside before I get some sleep!


  1. dude, wait til August. the sun sets way later, and rises at 4ish? Room darkening shades are a great investment, fyi. So much fun to sit at a cafe sipping something at 10pm at late sunset. sigh...Scandanavia rocks.

  2. When I worked in Alaska I got to enjoy that midnight sun experience. Fortunately I'm not sensitive to sleeping in daylight. At other end of the scale, four or five hours of daylight coupled with nonstop rain and snow did bring me down. The aurora borealis was spectacular though. Hopefully Denmark continues to treat you well!!! Have you found a pork delivery service yet?

  3. Pork is the most popular meat here -- pork belly is abundant at the grocer -- but I haven't found anyone to deliver yet!
